(English) Ears

Sorry, this entry is only available in Английски (Сащ).

The information on this site is from one of the most famous books about the New Medicine (GNM / 5BN): „The psychic roots of diseases“ by Björn Eybl. It was written in german and was translated into more than 10 languages already. All these translations are available as ebooks / PDFs for free, as a gift of Björn for you, for the New Earth, for a new time.
In cooperation with Björn, it is splitted on „Disease is Different“ into the sections by organ systems and combined with the real cases of our international testimonial / report archive of the related organ system.

DateAuthorTitle and OverviewKeywords
Eine Teilnehmerin aus unserer Lerngruppe, Rechtshänderin, hatte folgendes Tinnitus-Erlebnis: Bei ihrem Sohn gab es in einer Woche verstärkte Probleme mit Hausaufgaben etc., weshalb sie ihm sagte, dass sein Handy wegkommt, bis er seine Aufgaben erledigt hat. Dies war für ihn quasi die "Höchststrafe" und stellte einen kleinen Hörkonflikt dar, die ektodermale Hörfunktion der Hörschnecke betreffend ...
Ohrensausen, Hörkonflikt
Mit 14 Jahren habe ich mir mit großer Freude ein Loch ins Ohr stechen lassen und voller Stolz einen Ohrring getragen. Mit Mitte Zwanzig wünschte ich mir ein zweites, ging zum Juwelier und ließ mir eins stechen ...
We were on an excursion at lunchtime when suddenly a jet fighter flew relatively low over us with an enormous noise. Our son got a huge fright and was totally terrified for 20 minutes...
Three occurrences of a plug in the right ear canal due to loud tantrums/screaming of children.
For weeks, even months, I had been looking forward with mixed feelings to an announced, probably necessary gum graft in the lower jaw (to stabilize a certain implant) ...
On October 20, a patient (69 years old, LH) came to see me because she had severe positional vertigo and it was causing her great anxiety and restlessness. She had been to the doctor the days before and had been given morning exercises, which had improved the dizziness somewhat. Now she wanted to look at the issue with me after the 5 BN and together we quickly found the cause: ...
One day, blood and a thin, light-yellowish-beige secretion came out of a client's ear. The blood had a certain smell (and the cause was therefore already identifiable!). There was no pain.
"attack against the ear" conflict
Hearing loss in the left ear from an early age. After decades solution with strong middle ear infection: At the end, the hearing ability came back to a reduced extent.
Преди 10 години 35-годишният мъж имал шеф, който тормозел служителите си, когато можел. Там тя реагирала със СБС на лигавицата на Евстахиевата тръба отляво, така че трябвало да "слуша, за да се отърве от опасността/хищника/...", което се случвало ежедневно на работа по това време. Години по-късно, когато този човек внезапно я изненадал по телефона и поискал да я назначи отново, тя ясно заявила, че НИКОГА повече няма да работи за него и не иска да го чува, което довело до разрешаването на този стар огромен конфликт. Следващите 3 седмици продължителността на тежките симптоми може да бъде точно предсказана.
Г-н Р., на средна възраст, се събудил в сряда, 17.10.2018 г., с лека загуба на слуха в лявото си ухо: ясно можел да забележи, че вече не долавя всички по-ниски честоти. Имало също и дълбок, ясно забележим шум в ушите, тинитус. Симптомите продължили два дни и половина.
Засегнатата жена е имала алергия към кафе от около 15 години. Почти веднага след пиене на кафе или консумация на храна, съдържаща кафе, се появява много силна болка в стомаха с гадене, която продължава до няколко часа. Чрез проучване на причините алергията впоследствие беше успешно разрешена напълно и за постоянно.

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.